35mm slides are usually 24 mm wide, between the perforations. The full size of the image is 24×36 mm.
You can take about 36 photos on a roll of 35mm film.
Transfer your 35mm slides to DVD and more.
Negative film could store all three primary colors on the same strip of film.
Bell and Howell preferations are standard due to similar dimensions to most printers.
Transfer your 35mm negatives to DVD and more.
There can be many different sizes for photos and we can scan almost all of them up to the size of a standard sheet of printing paper.
Transfer your Photos to DVD and more.
Non-standard image require customized pricing. Please contact us for further information.
Here are some examples of images below:
600 dpi - $1.68
1200 dpi - $2.88
3000 dpi - $1.68
4000 dpi - $2.88
Stereo Slides
Disc Negatives
4000 dpi - $29.99
110 Film
4000 dpi - $1.68
126 "Instamatic" & 127 Film
Medium Format Film
Large Format Film & Transparencies
Please contact us if you have any other types besides these: 1-866-386-6843.